A Gentle Reminder

While the visual progress seems tremendous, this is in a very, very alpha state. Sometimes the visual progress can be deceptive. Folks that are joining on need to realize this fact.

Lots of things are bound not to work. I’m using someone else’s 65c02 emulator, which seems to be doing a good job, there are are definitely bugs in it. I found a major one already that caused AW to crash. One of the tasks it to set up a way to log and track the issues that do come up to insure they aren’t dropped.

Also a reminder. This is a (non-commercial) side project for me — the time spent from this point forward will be just a few hours a week, maximum. As fun as it might be to focus all my time on it, it won’t pay the bills. So progress will definitely slow from what you’ve seen recently, as my focus returns to “my day job”, as it were.

Still, I do appreciate all the encouragement and I hope that progress will continue at a more slow, but steady pace.

This project allows me to experiment in coding areas as well as development techniques and ideas that I don’t get a chance to explore with my existing projects — which is one of the reasons I’m drawn to it.

Again, I do appreciate the support.

And if you want to tell more of your friends about TextSoap, I won’t stop you.