Number Nine, Number Nine

Somehow the versions have zipped by: a7, a8, and a9. The good news is that this release (a9) seems to address many weird behaviors (read crashes) previously reported. The issue was tied to the Apple II’s bank switching and UltraMacros (which was using bank-switching). Once the bank-switching issue was found and fixed, things worked more better.

Deja IIx (Version 2.0a9)

In addition to that, I changed Trace History to avoid a continual degradation of performance as the program runs. While the program runs slower, the performance .

For fun, I’ve added a couple more preset colors (in preferences) as well:

3 Replies to “Number Nine, Number Nine”

  1. besterist thus far, but not 100% Deja ][ compatible yet.

    Howard has some AW.INITS that are causing Deja IIx fits but Deja ][ worked fine with them.

    So now we play “One of these things is not like the other”..

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